ID International Preschool

Tell me and I forget, Teach me and I remember; Involve me and I learn.
– Benjamin Franklin

At ID preschool, we make sure that our kids get involved in what they learn so that learning becomes a way of life. At this age, a child learns through play and at ID we involve the kids in meaningful play so that they can understand various concepts that are academically and socially relevant.

ID also provides a safe environment for the child to be himself/herself and learn through reasoning rather than only book based learning. The parents of our school have the opportunity to have a support group with other parents through our playgroups.

tm updated About Us
vision Vision
To be a leader in Preschool Education and provide children “a home-away-from-home” to give them “best-in-class” environment optimizing their growth. To create relationships with parents through our early learning program and then expand globally.
mission Mission
The mission of the school is to provide world class teaching and training methods to our teachers.
which will play a very important role in unleashing the potential of each child and foster a passion for learning.
philoso Philosophy
Our main philosophy is reflected in our name – ID- each one of us is driven by the need to create an identity – personal and social as well. We at ID preschool equip our children to explore and help them form basics that would empower them to form their identity at the right age.
ID is also a part of our personality that works on the pleasure principle that drives the child to explore.

Why Us?

As mentioned earlier, we provide a safe space for the child and we believe in involving the parents in the child’s learning process. We strive to achieve a collaborative relationship between the child, his/her parents and the teachers to help get the child the best of all worlds. Importance is given for both individual and group work. Also we give special attention to the transfer of learning so that the child is able to apply that day’s learning even at other situations. This is done through various fun and interactive methods that are supported by research.
The management and the staffs believe these words “Each child is unique and special in their own ways” and hence necessary steps will be taken in molding them. The school has an overt advantage of having a psychology graduate who is also a certified jolly phonics trainer as its director and therefore, the methodologies are devised in a manner to mentor their thought process from a young age. Check out our prestigious award here

Kindergarten schools in chitlapakkam
teaching hours
meals per year
morning sessions
full daycare
full daycare
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Our Goals

As the school advocates in holistic development of a child, the school focuses on the following:

social 01 About Us
Social and emotional development
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Language development
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Cognitive and intellectual development
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Fine motor and gross motor development
awarness 01 About Us
Personal awareness
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Nurturing individual potential

This apart, the school also takes efforts in inculcating moral values, as it is very important to respect other children as well as elders.


Nothing is more important than your child’s well-being.